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Forms and Contracts

Looking for a specific legal form or a sample business contract? FindLaw, the leading source of online legal information, has an entire collection designed specifically for legal professionals. In partnership with U.S. Legal Forms, FindLaw allows you to conveniently access state-specific forms that address all of your legal needs, from hiring a new employee, forming a limited liability partnership, or taking on a loan, to name just a few. FindLaw’s Forms and Contracts section also offers legal professionals access to sample business contracts that you can browse easily by topic, industry, or company, as well as state and federal court forms. Should you wish to build your own legal document or form, Westlaw also offers an easy-to-use online legal document assembly tool that helps you streamline your legal forms process. Let FindLaw help you find the solution you need!

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Purchase Forms: By Legal Topic and Purchase Forms: By State

When starting and running a law firm, attorneys will encounter many different crossroads that will require a legal solution. FindLaw and U.S. Legal Forms have partnered to allow legal professionals to research these legal topics and act to solve their own legal problems, with the help of a reliable document preparation service. Whether you are incorporating your business, drafting bylaws, borrowing money, or leasing space, you can easily research, by topic or by state, to find the legal form that will address your need. Get started by selecting a topic or a state to find the right form for you.

Sample Business Contracts

Whether you're a legal professional or small business owner, you will undoubtedly have to fill out various forms and contracts in order to comply with regulations and limit legal risks. For example, newly hired employees typically sign employment agreements detailing compensation and work requirements, while some employers require non-disclosure or arbitration agreements. It can all be quite confusing, which is why FindLaw provides an extensive collection of sample contracts and forms commonly used in the business world. In this section, you will find numerous templates organized by business type, industry and specific company. Click the links below to learn more.

State Court Forms

Law and motion practice is inextricably tied to the courts. An important part of this relationship is filing documents by each state's mandatory deadlines in strict adherence with a court's or agency's rules. This makes it imperative that all facets of the filing - especially forms - are both correct and current.

Click on the links below to gain instant access to a centralized library of forms from all 50 states including the District of Columbia. Whether you are drafting a will in California or filing for child custody in New York, FindLaw has compiled everything you may need in one location.

Federal Court Forms

The federal circuit courts and the U.S. Supreme Court have specific forms that they maintain on their websites, some of which attorneys are required to use. Other forms may offer guidance or serve as an example. These forms can include an Application for Admission to the Bar, Appearance of Counsel, Bill of Costs, Jury Instructions, and other helpful forms. It is important to thoroughly research what forms are available and required for the court in which you seek to practice or file an appeal. To browse the forms available through each court, please click on the name of the federal court.

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